McGilligan Genealogy
McGilligan: From Mac Giollagáin see Gilligan . This was an ecclesiastical family of north-west County Derry where a parish is named after them. There may have been some confusion with McLagan .
Source: The Oxford Dictionary of Family Names in Britain and Ireland, 2016
The surname of McGILLIGAN was derived from the Gaelic O’Giollagain. (This name was probably derived from Giolla a name meaning lad). They were a leading sept of County Derry, sometimes abbreviated to Gillan. The district in north Derry, adjacent to Lough Foyle is called Magilligan’s Strand. In 1608 in an important official despatch it mentions the MacGILLIGANS as one of the chief septs of County Coleraine (Derry). By the middle of the 17th century the Mac was widely discarded.
The name is also spelt MacGILLIGAN, O’GILLAN, GILLEN, O’GALLIGAN and Mac ELGUNN. Ireland was one of the earliest countries to evolve a system of hereditary surnames. They came into being fairly generally in the 11th century, and indeed a few were formed before the year 1000. The name is also spelt Mac Gilligan. In the latter part of the sixteenth century, an influx of settlers arrived under the patronage of Elizabeth I of England, and colonized the country beyond the ‘Pale’, the area around Dublin that was the only part firmly under English control.
At the same time , groups of Presbyterian settlers were encouraged to migrate from Scotland to Ulster, thus establishing the distinctively Scottish surnames of Ulster. During the long centuries of English domination, Irish surnames were crudely Anglicized either phonetically or by translation. In the 19th century, political repression and famine combined to force many Irish people to seek other countries in which to live. Large numbers emigrated to the United States, where strong emotional ties to Ireland are still preserved in many families, while others found themselves transported, willingly or otherwise, to Australia, often after having first tried to make a living in England.
Irish surnames are now very widely dispersed, and are common in England as well as in Ireland, the United States and Australia. Peter GALLIGAN (1793-1860) a County Cavan schoolmaster, was a great collector of manuscripts; these are now preserved in the Royal Irish Academy, University College Dublin and the Belfast Muncipal Library. The lion depicted in the arms is the noblest of all wild beasts which is made to be the emblem of strength and valour, and is on that account the most frequently borne in Coat-Armour.
Thomas & Julia McGilligan Family

Thomas & Julia McGilligan Farm Arena WI
John Edward McGilligan Jr - Hayward WI Land
MCGILLIGAN (56 individuals)
First name starts with:
John McGilligan
Janeck Furniture and Upholstery Store-on-State-Street
Ruth McGilligan Dan Gavigan
Ruth McGilligan
Ruth McGilligan
Mac and Rosie
John Edward McGilligan
Bill McGilligan
Bill McGilligan
McDermott's and McGilligans Hayward WI
John Edward Jack McGilligan
John Edward McGilligan Hoyt Park Lookout Madison WI
Sergeant Robert George McGilligan WWII
Edward McGilligan
William McGilligan Family
William & Marion Elizabeth McGilligan
William & John McGilligan
Thomas and Julia McGilligan
Fran & Jack McGilligan
John McGilligan
Ruth McGilligan
Patricia Ann (McGilligan) Gavigan
Patricia McGilligan
Francis M Rupp, John Edward Mcgilligan jr
Thomas McGilligan
William & Marion Elizabeth McGilligan (Women's Army Corp) - WWII
Jack McGilligan
John E McGilligan
Ruth McGilligan
William McGilligan
William McGilligan & Bill Baumgarten
John McGilligan
John McGilligan
John McGilligan
John McGilligan
William McGilligan
Ruth McGilligan Hoyt Park Madison WI
Ruth McGilligan
Ruth McGilligan Hoyt Park Madison WI
Bill McGilligan
Buffy McGilligan Stevens
John McGilligan JR 1940s - Birchhaven Lodge
Austin (Mac) McDermott (WWII) & Rosie McGilligan
John Edward
Joe & Ruth
John and Ruth McGilligan Baumgartens Resort
Bill McGilligan
Farn and Jack
John McGilligan
Ruth McGilligan
Smith Farm Picnic Jack-McGilligan-1922
John Edward Jack McGilligan
Frances Martha Rupp, Ruth Hommerstad McGilligan
William McGilligan
John McGilligan
John McGilligan
_0269, 5/27/07, 3:13 PM, 8C, 3376x4592 (1335+1875), 100%, New Curve Sett, 1/30 s, R42.5, G27.3, B41.5
Buffy McGilligan
JE McGilligan Furniture
Fran and Grandchildren
Ruth McGilligan Hoyt Park Madison WI
John McGilligan
McGilligans Truck
McGilligan Property Arena WI
John McGilligan
Fran & Jack McGilligan
Thomas & Julia McGilligan Children
William McGilligan Family
Bill McGilligan
Collage Station Madison WI
Ruth McGilligan
Edward McGilligan House
Deer Hunting
Ruth McGilligan Hoyt Park Madison WI
John McGilligan
Buffy McGilligan
Frank V McGilligan
Elizabeth (Buffy) and Patricia McGilligan
Edward T
John Edward Jack McGilligan
Ruth Arlen Hommerstad McGilligan
John "Jack" McGilligan
fan Jack
William McGilligan
Bill McGilligan Fran, John
Buffy McGilligan
William & Marion Elizabeth McGilligan
Bill McGilligan University Ave Shop
Genealogy (from Greek: γενεαλογία genealogia from γενεά genea, “generation” and λόγος logos, “knowledge”), also known as family history, is the study of families and the tracing of their lineages and history.